Lab 7 - TM

Lab Session #7 #

Agenda #

  • Turing Machine
    • Formal definition
    • Example
    • Exercices

Turing Machine #

Formal definition #

A Turing Machine (TM) with k-tapes is a tuple

\[ T = ⟨Q, I, Γ, δ, q_0, Z_0, F⟩ \]


  • \(Q\) is a finite set of states;

  • \(I\) is the input language;

  • \(Γ\) is the memory alphabet;

  • \(δ\) is the transition function;

  • \(q_0 \in Q\) is the initial state;

  • \(Z_0 \in Γ\) is the initial memory symbol;

  • \(F \subseteq Q\) is the set of final states.

Transition Function #

The transition function is defined as

\[δ : (Q - F)×(I \cup \{\_\})×(Γ \cup \{\_\})^k → Q×(Γ \cup \{\_\})^k×\{R, L, S\}^{k+1}\]

where elements of \(\{R, L, S\}\) indicate “directions” of the head of the TM:

  • \(R\) : move the head one position to the right;

  • \(L\) : move the head one position to the left;

  • \(S\) : stand still.


  • the transition function can be partial;

  • the transition function can be partial;

  • the transition function can be partial;

Moves #

Moves are based on

  • one symbol read from the input tape,

  • k symbols, one for each memory tape,

  • state of the control device.


  • Change state.

  • Write a symbol replacing the one read on each memory tape.

  • Move the \(k+1\) heads.

Moves: Graphically #

Moves Graphically

  • \(q \in Q − F\) and \(q′ \in Q\)

  • \(i\) is the input symbol,

  • \(A_j\) is the symbol read from the \(jth\) memory tape,

  • \(A′_j\) is the symbol replacing \(A_j\) ,

  • \(M_0\) is the direction of the head of the input tape,

  • \(M_j\) is the direction of the head of the \(jth\) memory tape.where \(1 \leq j \leq k\)

Configuration #

A configuration (a snapshot) \(c\) of a TM with \(k\) memory tapes is the following \((k+2)\) -tuple:

\[c = ⟨q, x↑y, α_1↑β_1, . . . , α_k ↑β_k ⟩\]


  • \(q \in Q\)
  • \(x \in (I \cup \{\_\})^∗, y = y'.\_\) with \(y' \in I^∗\)
  • \(α_r \in (Γ \cup \{\_\})^∗\) and \( β'_r = β'_r.\_\) with \(β'_r \in Γ^∗\) and \(1 \leq r \leq k\)
  • \(\uparrow \notin I \cup Γ\)

Acceptance Condition #

If \(T = ⟨Q, I, Γ, δ, q_0, Z_0, F⟩\) is a TM and \(s \in I^∗, s\) is accepted by \(T\) if \(c_0⊢∗c_F\)


  1. \(c_0\) is an initial configuration defined as \(c_0 = ⟨q_0, ↑s, ↑Z_0, . . . , ↑Z_0⟩ \) where

    • \(x = ϵ\)
    • \(y = s_\_\)
    • \(α_r = ϵ, β_r = Z_0\) , for any \(1 \leq r \leq k.\)
  2. \(c_F\) is a final configuration defined as \(c_F = ⟨q,s′↑y, α_1↑β_1, . . . , α_k ↑β_k ⟩\) where

    • \(q \in F\)
    • \(x = s^′\)

\(L(T) = \{s \in I∗| x\) is accepted by \(T\} \)

Example #

A TM \(T\) that recognises the language \(A^nB^nC^n=\{a^nb^nc^n | n > 0\}\)

Turing Machine Example

Exercices #

Build TMs that recognise the following languages:

  • \(L_1 = \{wcw | w \in \{a, b\}^+\} \)
  • \(L_2 = \{wcw^R | w \in \{a, b\}^+\} \) , where \(w^R\) is the reversed string \(w\) .
  • \(L_3 = \{w | w \in \{a, b\}^∗\} \) , where \(w\) is a palindrome.
  • \(L_4 = \{a^nb^n | n \ge 0\} \cup \{a^nb^{2n} | n \ge 0\}\)


Homework Exercices #

Build TMs that recognise the following languages:

  • \(L_5 = \{(ab)^n, n \ge 0\}\)
  • \(L_6 = \{a^nb^{2n}c{3n}, n \ge 0\}\)