Lab 11 - Grammars

Lab Session #11 #

Agenda #

Generative Grammars Chomsky Hierarchy Context-Free Grammars: Backus-Naur Form

Models #

Automata (operational models): #

  • Models suitable to recognize/accept, translate, compute language: receive an input string and process it.

Grammar (generative models): #

  • Models suitable to describe how to generate a language: set of rules to build phrases of a language.

Grammars #

A grammar is a set of rules to produce strings. #

A grammar is a tuple: \( \langle V_N, V_T, P, S \rangle \) , where:

  • \( V_N \) is the non-terminal alphabet

  • \( V_T \) is the terminal alphabet;

  • \( P \) is the terminal alphabet;

  • \( S \) is the terminal alphabet;

  • \( V = V_N \cup V_T \) the alphabet;

  • \( P \subseteq \left(V^* \cdot V_N \cdot V^*\right) \times V^* \) is the (finite) set of rewriting rules of production;

  • \( S \in V_N \) is a particular element called axiom or initial symbol.

  • A grammar \( \langle V_N, V_T, P, S\rangle\) generates a language on V_T.

Terminal symbols are elementary symbols - cannot be broken down into smaller units i.e. cannot be changed using the production rules of the grammar.

Non-terminal symbols - can be replaced by groups of terminal and non-terminal symbols according to the production rules.

Production Rule #

Let \( G = \langle V_N, V_T, P, S\rangle \) be a grammar.

A production rule \( \alpha \rightarrow \beta\) is an element of \(P\) , where:

  • \(\alpha \in V^* \cdot V_N \cdot V^*\) is a sequence of symbols including at least one non-terminal symbol.

  • \(\beta \in V^*\) is a (potentially empty) sequence of (terminal or non-terminal) symbols.

Chomsky Hierarchy #

Chomsky hierarchyGrammarsLanguagesMiniamal automaton
type 0UnrestrictedRecursively enumerableTuring machine
type 1Context-sensitiveContext-sensitiveLBA
type 2Context-freeContext-freeNDPDA
type 3RegularRegularFSA

Strictly Regular grammars (type 3) #

Production rules are restricted to a single non-terminal on the left-hand side and a right-hand side consisting of a single terminal, possibly

  • followed by a single non-terminal - right grammar
  • preceded by a single non-terminal - left grammar

Example: #

Generate language with the strings of alternating a’s and b’s:

  • \( V_N = \{S, A, B\}; \hspace{0.2cm} \)
  • \( V_T = \Sigma_1 = \{a, b\} \)

Set of Production rules P: #

  • \( S \rightarrow A \)
  • \( S \rightarrow B \)
  • \( A \rightarrow aB \)
  • \( A \rightarrow \epsilon \)
  • \( B \rightarrow bA \)
  • \( B \rightarrow \epsilon \)

Strictly Regular grammars #

Strictly Right regular grammar #

A right regular grammar is a formal grammar, such that all the production rules in P are of one of the following forms:

  • \( A \rightarrow b \)
where \( A \in V_N \) and \( b \in V_T\)
  • \( A \rightarrow bB \)
where \( A, B \in V_N \) and \( b \in V_T\)
  • \( A \rightarrow \epsilon \)
where A \( \in V_N \) and \( \epsilon \) denotes the empty string.

Strictly Left regular grammar #

A left regular grammar is a formal grammar, such that all the production rules in P are of one of the following forms:

  • \( A \rightarrow b\)
where \( A \in V_N \) and \( b \in V_T \)
  • \(A \rightarrow Bb\)
where \(A, B \in V_N\) and \(b \in V_T\)
  • \(A \rightarrow \epsilon\)
where \(A \in V_N\) and \(\epsilon\) denotes the empty string.

Extended regular grammars #

Extended Right regular grammar #

A right regular grammar is a formal grammar, such that all the production rules in P are of one of the following forms:

  • \(A \rightarrow b\)
where \(A \in V_N\) and \(b \in V_T\)
  • \(A \rightarrow wB\)
where \(A, B \in V_N\) and \(w \in V_T^*\)
  • \(A \rightarrow \epsilon\)
where \(A \in V_N\) and \(\epsilon\) denotes the empty string.

Extended Left regular grammar #

A left regular grammar is a formal grammar, such that all the production rules in P are of one of the following forms:

  • \(A \rightarrow b\)
where \(A \in V_N\) and \(b \in V_T\)
  • \(A \rightarrow Bw\)
where \(A, B \in V_N\) and \(w \in V_T^*\)
  • \(A \rightarrow \epsilon\)
where \(A \in V_N\) and \(\epsilon\) denotes the empty string.

Exercises #

Define Strictly Regular grammars that produce the following languages over the alphabet:

  • \(\Sigma_1 = \{a, b\} , \Sigma_2 = \{0, 1\}\)
  • \(L_1 = \{0,1\}^*\)
  • \(L_2 = \{(aab \hspace{0.2cm} | \hspace{0.2cm} bba)^*\}\)

Solutions #

\[ L_1 = \{0,1\}^* \] \[V_N = {S} \hspace{0.2cm} \] \[ V_T = \Sigma_2 = \{0,1\}\]

Set of Production rules P:

  • \(S \rightarrow \epsilon\)
  • \(S \rightarrow 0S\)
  • \(S \rightarrow 1S\)
\[L_2 = \{(aab \hspace{0.2cm} |\hspace{0.2cm} bba)^*\}\] \[V_N = \{S, A, B, F, E\} \hspace{0.2cm} \] \[V_T = \Sigma_1 = \{a, b\} \]

Set of Production rules P:

  • \( S \rightarrow \epsilon\)
  • \(S \rightarrow aA\)
  • \(S \rightarrow bB\)
  • \(A \rightarrow aF\)
  • \(F \rightarrow bS\)
  • \(B \rightarrow bE\)
  • \(E \rightarrow aS\)

Homework: #

  • \(L_3 = \{(aa \hspace{0.2cm} | \hspace{0.2cm} bb)^*aa \}\)
  • \(L_4 = \{(00^* 11^*)\}\)

Context-Free grammars (type 2) #

Defined by rules of the form \(A \rightarrow \gamma\) where \(A\) is a non-terminal and \(\gamma\) is a string of terminals and non-terminals.

Example #

Generate language:

  • \(a^nb^n, \)
where \( n>0\)
  • \(V_N = \{S\}; \hspace{0.2cm} \)
  • \( V_T = \Sigma_1 = \{a, b\}\)

Set of Production rules P: #

  • \(\{ S \rightarrow aSb | ab\}\)

Exercises #

Define context-free grammars that produce the following languages over the alphabet:

  • \(\Sigma = \{a, b\}\)
  • \(L_1 = \{w ∈ \{a, b\}^∗| w = w^R\}\)
  • \(L_2= \{a^ib^jc^k | i, j, k \geq 0 and i=j or i=k \} \)


  • \( L_3 = Generate language with alternating a's and b's \)
  • \(L_4 = \{a^nb^nc^m \mid n,m>0\} \cup \{a^nb^mc^m \mid n,m>0\}\)

Solutions #

\[L_1 = \{w ∈ \{a, b\}^∗ | w = w^R\}\] \[V_N = \{S, O, E\} \hspace{0.2cm} \] \[V_T = \Sigma = \{a, b\}\]

Set of Production rules P:

  • \(S \rightarrow O \hspace{0.2cm} | \hspace{0.2cm} E\)
  • \(E \rightarrow \epsilon \hspace{0.2cm} |\hspace{0.2cm} aEa \hspace{0.2cm} \hspace{0.2cm} | \hspace{0.2cm} bEb\)
  • \(O \rightarrow a \hspace{0.2cm}|\hspace{0.2cm} b \hspace{0.2cm} | \hspace{0.2cm} aOa\hspace{0.2cm} |\hspace{0.2cm} bOb\)


  • \(S \rightarrow aSa \hspace{0.2cm} |\hspace{0.2cm} bSb \hspace{0.2cm}|\hspace{0.2cm} a \hspace{0.2cm}|\hspace{0.2cm} b\hspace{0.2cm} |\hspace{0.2cm} e \)
\[L_2= \{a^ib^jc^k | i, j, k \geq 0 and i=j or i=k\}\] \[V_N = \{S, X, Y, W, Z \} \hspace{0.2cm} \] \[V_T = \Sigma = \{a, b\} \]

Set of Production rules P:

  • \(S \rightarrow XY \hspace{0.2cm} | \hspace{0.2cm} W\)
  • \(X \rightarrow aXb \hspace{0.2cm} | \hspace{0.2cm} \epsilon\)
  • \(Y \rightarrow cY \hspace{0.2cm} | \hspace{0.2cm} \epsilon\)
  • \(W \rightarrow aWc \hspace{0.2cm} | \hspace{0.2cm} Z\)
  • \(Z \rightarrow bZ \hspace{0.2cm} | \hspace{0.2cm} \epsilon\)
\[L_3, Generate language with alternating a's and b's \] \[V_N = \{ S,A,B\} \hspace{0.2cm} \] \[V_T = \Sigma_1 = \{a, b\} \]
  • \(S \rightarrow bB\hspace{0.2cm}|\hspace{0.2cm}aA\hspace{0.2cm}|\hspace{0.2cm}\epsilon\)
  • \(A \rightarrow bB\hspace{0.2cm}|\hspace{0.2cm} \epsilon\)
  • \(B \rightarrow aA\hspace{0.2cm}|\hspace{0.2cm} \epsilon\)
\[ L_4 = \{a^nb^nc^m \mid n,m>0\} \cup \{a^nb^mc^m \mid n,m>0\} \] \[V_N = \{S,M,N,A,C\} \] \[V_T = \Sigma = \{a,b,c\} \]
  • \(S \rightarrow aNbC\hspace{0.2cm}|AbMc\)
  • \(N \rightarrow aNb\hspace{0.2cm}| \hspace{0.2cm}\epsilon\)
  • \(M \rightarrow bMc\hspace{0.2cm}| \hspace{0.2cm}\epsilon\)
  • \(C \rightarrow cC\hspace{0.2cm}|\hspace{0.2cm}\epsilon\)
  • \(A \rightarrow aA\hspace{0.2cm}|\hspace{0.2cm} \epsilon\)

Context-Sensitive grammars (type 1) #

The rules of the form \(\alpha A \beta \rightarrow \alpha \gamma \beta\) , where \(A\) is a non-terminal and \(\alpha\) , \(\beta\) and \(\gamma\) are strings of terminals and non-terminals.

  • \(\gamma\) must be non-empty
  • The rule \( S\rightarrow\epsilon\) is allowed if S does not appear on the right side of any rule

Example #

Generate language:

  • \(\{A^nB^nC^n | n > 0\}\)

Set of production rules: #

  • \(S \rightarrow aBC\)
  • \(S \rightarrow aSBC\)
  • \(CB \rightarrow CZ\)
  • \(CZ \rightarrow BZ\)
  • \(BZ \rightarrow BC\)
  • \(aB \rightarrow ab \)
  • \(bB \rightarrow bb \)
  • \(bC \rightarrow bc \)
  • \(cC \rightarrow cc \)

Exercises #

Define context-sensitive grammars that produce the following languages:

  • \(L_1 = \{a^ib^jc^id^j \hspace{0.2cm}|\hspace{0.2cm} i,j \geq 1\} \)
  • \(L_2 = \{WW \hspace{0.2cm}|\hspace{0.2cm} W ∈ \{a, b\}^∗\}\)


  • \(L_3 = \{W ∈ \{a, b, c\}^∗| \#(a) = \#(b) = \#(c) and \#(a) ≥1 \} \)

Solutions #

\[L_1 = \{a^ib^jc^id^j \hspace{0.2cm}|\hspace{0.2cm} i,j \geq 1\}\] \[V_N = \{S,X,B,C, Y,Z\}; \hspace{0.2cm} \] \[V_T = \Sigma = \{a,b\} \]

Set of Production rules P:

  • \(S \rightarrow XY\)
  • \(X \rightarrow aXC\hspace{0.2cm} |\hspace{0.2cm} aC\)
  • \(Y \rightarrow BYd\hspace{0.2cm} | \hspace{0.2cm}Bd\)
  • \(CB \rightarrow CZ\)
  • \(CZ \rightarrow BZ\)
  • \(BZ \rightarrow BC\)
  • \(aB \rightarrow ab\)
  • \(Cd\rightarrow cd\)
\[L_2= \{WW \hspace{0.2cm}|\hspace{0.2cm} W ∈ \{a, b\}^∗\} \] \[V_N = \{S, A, B, C, D, E\} \hspace{0.2cm} \] \[V_T = \Sigma = \{a, b\}\]

Set of Production rules P:

  • \(S \rightarrow \epsilon \hspace{0.2cm}| \hspace{0.2cm}CD\hspace{0.2cm}|\hspace{0.2cm} EF\)
  • \(C \rightarrow aCA \hspace{0.2cm}|\hspace{0.2cm} bCB \hspace{0.2cm}|\hspace{0.2cm} a\)
  • \(D \rightarrow aEA \hspace{0.2cm}|\hspace{0.2cm} bEB \hspace{0.2cm}| \hspace{0.2cm}b\)
  • \(AD \rightarrow XD\)
  • \(BD \rightarrow YD\)
  • \(AF \rightarrow XF\)
  • \(BF \rightarrow YF\)
  • \(AX \rightarrow VX \)
  • \(VX \rightarrow VW \)
  • \(VW \rightarrow VA\)
  • \(VA \rightarrow XA \)
  • \(BX \rightarrow WX\)
  • \(WX \rightarrow WV \)

Continue..on next slide

\[ L_1 = \{WW \hspace{0.2cm}|\hspace{0.2cm} W ∈ \{a, b\}^∗\} \] \[ V_N = \{S, A, B, C, D, E\} \hspace{0.2cm} \] \[ V_T = \Sigma = \{a, b\} \]

Set of Production rules P:

  • \(WV \rightarrow WB \)
  • \(WB \rightarrow XB \)
  • \(AY \rightarrow UY \)
  • \(UY \rightarrow UZ \)
  • \(UZ \rightarrow UA \)
  • \(UA \rightarrow YA \)
  • \(BY \rightarrow ZY \)
  • \(ZY \rightarrow ZU \)
  • \(ZU \rightarrow ZB \)
  • \(ZB \rightarrow YB \)
  • \(aD \rightarrow aa \)
  • \(bD \rightarrow ba \)
  • \(aF \rightarrow ab \)
  • \(bF \rightarrow bb \)
  • \(aX \rightarrow aa \)
  • \(bX \rightarrow ba \)
  • \(aY \rightarrow ab \)
  • \(bY \rightarrow bb \)
\[ L_{3}=\left\{w \mid w \in\{a, b, c\}^{*} \wedge \#(a)=\#(b)=\#(c) \geq 1\right\} \] \[ V_N = \{S,A,B,C,P,Q,R,X,Y,Z\} \] \[ V_T = \Sigma = \{a, b, c\} \]

Set of Production rules P:

  • \(S \rightarrow SABC\hspace{0.2cm}|\hspace{0.2cm}ABC\)
  • \(A\rightarrow a\)
  • \(AB\rightarrow AQ \)
  • \(AQ \rightarrow BQ\)
  • \(BQ \rightarrow BA\)
  • \(AC \rightarrow AR\)
  • \(AR \rightarrow CR\)
  • \(CR \rightarrow CA\)
  • \(B \rightarrow b\)
  • \(BA \rightarrow BP\)
  • \(BP \rightarrow AP\)
  • \(AP \rightarrow AB\)
  • \(BC \rightarrow CZ\)
  • \(BZ \rightarrow CZ\)
  • \(CZ \rightarrow CB\)
  • \(C \rightarrow c\)
  • \(CA \rightarrow CX\)
  • \(CX \rightarrow AX\)
  • \(AX \rightarrow AC\)
  • \(CB \rightarrow CY\)
  • \(CY \rightarrow BY\)
  • \(BY \rightarrow BC\)

Unrestricted grammars (type 0) #

The rules of the form \(\alpha \rightarrow \beta\) , where \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\) are strings of non-terminals and terminals.

The grammars without any limitation on production rules.
\(\alpha\) at least have one non-terminal
\(\alpha\) cannot be an empty string

Example: #

Generate language:

  • \(\{A^nB^nC^n | n > 0\}\)

Set of productions rules: #

  • \(S \rightarrow aBC\)
  • \(S \rightarrow aSBC\)
  • \(CB \rightarrow BC\)
  • \(aB \rightarrow ab\)
  • \(bB \rightarrow bb\)
  • \(bC \rightarrow bc\)
  • \(cC \rightarrow cc\)

Exercises #

Generate Unrestricted grammars for below languages:

  • \(L_1 = \{W | W = a^i\) and \( i = 2^ k \) and \( k > 0\} \)
  • \(L_2 = \{a^nb^mc^nd^m \hspace{0.2cm}|\hspace{0.2cm} n>0, m>0\}\)

Solutions #

\[ L_1 = \{W : W = a^i and i = 2^ k and k > 0\} \] \[V_N = \{S, L, X, Y\}; \] \[V_T = \Sigma = \{a, b, c\} \]

Set of Production rules P:

  • \(S \rightarrow LaaYR\)
  • \(aX \rightarrow Xaa\)
  • \(LX \rightarrow LY \hspace{0.2cm}|\hspace{0.2cm} \epsilon\)
  • \(L \rightarrow \epsilon\)
  • \(Ya \rightarrow aaY\)
  • \(YR \rightarrow XR \hspace{0.2cm}|\hspace{0.2cm} \epsilon\)
  • \(R \rightarrow \epsilon\)
\[L_2=\{a^nb^mc^nd^m \hspace{0.2cm}|\hspace{0.2cm} n>0, m>0\} \] \[V_N = \{S, A, B, C, X, Y\}; \] \[V_T = \Sigma = \{a, b, c\}\]

Set of Production rules P:

  • \(S\rightarrow XY\)
  • \(X\rightarrow aXC\hspace{0.2cm}|\hspace{0.2cm}aC\)
  • \(Y\rightarrow BYd \hspace{0.2cm}| \hspace{0.2cm} Bd\)
  • \(CB\rightarrow BC\)
  • \(aB\rightarrow ab\)
  • \(bB\rightarrow bb\)
  • \(Cd\rightarrow cd\)
  • \(Cc\rightarrow cc\)

Homework: #

  • \(L_3 = \{ a^n b^{2n}c^{3n} \hspace{0.2cm}| \hspace{0.2cm} n ≥ 1\} \)